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Property Alert

A Great Selection Of New And Reduced Properties
From Richard Kendall Estate Agent.
Call Now To Arrange a Viewing
Open 7 Days A Week

The Stables Main Street Great Heck

Royd Moor House Royd Moor Lane

Hillean Orchard Lane Darrington

Balmoral Close Pontefract

Lourdes Grange Ackworth 

Ivy Street Featherstone

Wakefield Road Streethouse

Jacks Way Upton

Spurrier Avenue Knottingley

Madison Close, Ackworth

Blossom Way Castleford

Womersley Road Knottingley

Katrina Grove Featherstone

Sharp Way Kinsley

Oakwell Avenue Pontefract

Granby Court South Elmsall

Mill Hill Avenue Pontefract

Granby Court South Elmsall

Coniston Drive Castelford

Prince Drive Fitzwilliam 

Duke Street Fitzwilliam

Lower Oxford Street Castleford

Lowfield Crescent Hemsworth

Beancroft Street Castleford

Morris Road Castleford

Poplar Grove Knottingley

Northgate Lodge Skinner Lane

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